Microchip PIC Room Thermostat
During spring and summer of 1998 I developed my second project utilizing a Microchip PIC processor. The primary purpose was to explore character LCD displays and 2-wire bus (I2C) devices with a Microchip PIC microcontroller. The project was a digital room thermostat with multiple setpoints at different times of the day. -
Microchip PIC Clock
It was February of 1998 when I first put my eye on the Microchip PIC microcontroller product line. It all started many years earlier with a Commodore C-64, followed by homebrew 6502 hardware projects and a fair bit of assembler programming on the 6502. Maybe some day I will find those notes if they still exist. After the 6502 adventures came a 8051 based project. In those days flash memory or EEPROM were unheard of. The project called for a single chip embedded processor. Philips made it, but only with masked ROM. For development, an 8051 with piggyback EPROM was available. Yes, the cermaic body of the 8051 actually had gold pins for an EPROM on its back! Unfortunately that chip was prohibitively expensive (for a student budget) and the project never materialized beyond hardware concept and some initial coding. -
Cisco Configuration Manager
This project provides tools to manage configurations for Cisco devices. At the heart of the project is a tftp daemon written entirely in PHP. Configurations are read and written to the tftp server using a file path that incorporates a password feature for security. The current version of each device configuration is stored in a mysql database. Subsequent changes to the configurations are stored in diff format to provide revision history. A web frontend is provided to manage devices and view configurations and history.
You haven't lived until you tried that! I suppose it is one of my most favorite bakery items to consume. -
AWStats on Debian (Sarge)
AWStats is a log analyzer for apache logs. It is available at http://awstats.sourceforge.net/.
Installing Stager on Debian GNU/Linux (Sarge)
This document describes the installation of a Debian GNU/Linux (Sarge) server for the purpose of collecting and presenting NetFlow data. The NetFlow packets are collected using flow-tools. The data is processed and presented using Stager.